Sunday, May 20, 2007

Technology in Kinesiology

I figured I should post a blog, since we were required to create a blogspot for Technology in Kinesiology.

A little bit about myself:

I am currently work two part time jobs, I am a personal trainer at 24 Hour Fitness and work as a Barista at Starbucks for fun. It is slightly ironic, I know, but they are both fun. I am thinking about going freelance training rather than sticking with a company so I would have more flexibility in work outs, clients, etc.

I love to play sports anything from kayaking to gymnastics. This summer I am trying to learn to wakeboard well enough to complete a jump.


Scott Sailor, EdD ATC said...

You did it. Way to go. It would be interesting to read about your experiences this summer trying to learn to do a jump on a wakeboard. Just an idea. Take care.

Frank Wooldridge said...

Working at Starbuck's? Better you than I, I would consume the assets. I wouldn't last long. Good luck on your ventures. I too am a PT.